With the cost of living on the rise in many states, most travelers are looking for ways in 2024 to enjoy their vacations without breaking the bank. The CNBC.com Travel website is already predicting:
The airline industry’s dramatic climb from the depths of the pandemic may be ending soon.
A review of multiple reports shows stabilization across several key metrics, as rapid growth ends and a new era of normalcy begins.
“2024 is expected to mark the end of the dramatic year-on-year increases that have been characteristic of the recovery in 2021-2023,” a December report by the International Air Transport Association said. (Source: CNBC Travel)
So What Does This Mean For The Average Travel Consumer?
Know before you go, as there will be all types of vacation trips available starting in the spring of this year. Especially since in most parts of the United States the winter season is slowly changing over to the beautiful spring season. In fact, here is 4 items you should think about before you take your next vacation trip.
Did You Budget Your Money? Every month you should be setting aside a certain amount of money for each trip you take this year. Budgeting keeps you accountable in regard to staying ahead of any unforeseen financial mishaps that may occur in your life. It is better to have a proactive financial outlook rather than reactive. A rule of thumb is most travelers set aside 5 -10% of their net yearly income for leisure travel, but this can vary greatly based on the type of vacations they're planning.
Traveling With A Group vs Individual If you have always traveled by yourself to enjoy you some time alone. Maybe with 2024 being a new year, you should consider traveling with a group in mind. You instantly save money by which you can use for another trip. Meet new friends and even explore some places you probably would have never gone to by yourself. Create some new memories.
Schedule Your Trip In Advance The saying goes the "Early bird gets the worm". Which means the earlier you book your vacation the less you have to pay. Compare to if you procrastinate then you pay more in airfare and hotel reservations.
Do Your Research Before You Put Your Money Down It's always best practice to look up the place where you will be vacationing. Meaning that you should read the reviews, call or email the place to ask any questions you may have, and definitely ask other trusted people about their experience. An experience traveler can give you some do's and don't so you can enjoy the experience of a lifetime.